Dallas Center Dunkard Brethren Church | Leadership | Jim Meyers
Denny Myers

Presiding Elder

Denny was born in Pennsylvania and moved to Iowa in 1977. At the age of 12 he was baptized into the Dunkard Brethren Church where God called him into the ministry in 1994 and later the eldership. Denny and wife Karen are the blessed parents of five children and 17-1/2 grands!

"My desire and prayer for the church is that we stand strong, sow the Gospel seed, and strive to be like Jesus, until He comes to take us Home! "

Dallas Center Dunkard Brethren Church | Leadership | Jim Meyers
Jim Meyers


Jim was born and raised near Dallas Center, IA on the family's dairy farm. He accepted Christ and was born into the Family of God in August of 1970 during a revival meeting. The Dallas Center Dunkard Brethren congregation has been his church home and family all of his life except for 18 months serving at the Torreon Navajo Mission in New Mexico while still single. Jim served the congregation in the deacon's office from 1981 until he was called to the ministry of the Gospel in 1986. He was ordained to the Eldership in 1996, and has served as Presiding Elder from 2011 to the present. Jim has also served as Presiding Elder of the Grandview, MO congregation since 2001. Jim's wife, Sally, has been a companion in ministry, parenting and farming the home place where they were privileged to raise their family. They have been blessed with eight children and 27 grandchildren.

"I desire to live for Him who died for me by serving His church in the work of the Kingdom."

Dallas Center Dunkard Brethren Church | Leadership | Fred Pifer
Fred Pifer


Fred was born on December 11, 1949, at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He was born again into Christ in August 1962 and became a member of the Walnut Grove Congregation of the Dunkard Brethren Church. At age eighteen, he moved to Dallas Center, Iowa to serve as a conscientious objector at Iowa Methodist Hospital in Des Moines. Fred married Diane June 17, 1972 and God blessed them with seven children. April 5, 1974, Fred was ordained as a minister in the Dallas Center Congregation of the Dunkard Brethren Church. In October 1986, he was ordained as an Elder. Fred served as Presiding Elder of the Dallas Center Congregation from December 1992 to December 2010. Fred and Diane served as missionaries to the Church in Kenya from April 2015 to May 2017. He is currently serving as Presiding Elder at the Juniper Hills Dunkard Brethren Congregation at Torreon, NM. Fred and Diane reside at rural Adel, IA where they have since 1972.

"For Christ and His Church, let us be faithful! For His cause, may we walk worthy!”

Dallas Center Dunkard Brethren Church | Leadership | Kevin Funk
Kevin Funk


Kevin was born and raised on a farm in the Dallas Center area, the middle child of eight siblings. They all attended the Dunkard Brethren Church, as well as the Old Order River Brethren Church in his growing up years. He accepted the Lord in August of 1979 and married Becky Kasza in November of 1979. Kevin was ordained into the ministry on April 7, 1994, and as an Elder on May 12, 2006. He and his wife Becky have 6 children and 13 grandchildren.

"I’m truly blessed to be part of a united Servant Body as well as a growing Church body. May we all keep looking up!"

Dallas Center Dunkard Brethren Church | Leadership | Alan Meyers
Alan Meyers


Alan was born and raised near Adel, Iowa. He married Brenda Andrews and they have five children. Alan and Brenda along with their family served the church in Kenya in 2004 and 2005. Alan was installed into the ministry in 2006 and the eldership in 2021.

Dallas Center Dunkard Brethren Church | Leadership | Chad Meyers
Chad Meyers


Chad has lived in Dallas County all but one year of his life. That year was spent at Torreon Navajo Mission in Cuba, NM. Following a revival meeting by Bro. Ray Stuber in 1991, he accepted the Lord as his Savior. He has served in the ministry since 2014. He and his wife Jessica have three children.

"A favorite Scripture of mine is Ephesians 4:15 'But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.'"

Dallas Center Dunkard Brethren Church | Leadership | Jim Meyers
Mark Hawbaker


Mark was born and raised in Dallas Center, Iowa on the family farm. He was saved by the mercy and grace of God and was baptized in 1983. He has been a member of the Dunkard Brethren Church since that time. He served as a deacon for a number of years and entered the ministry in 2016. He is married to his wife Annette, and they have 4 children and are now enjoying being grandparents.

"It is my desire as a minister of the Gospel to equip God’s people to grow spiritually and to teach them how to fight this spiritual battle on earth effectively for the glory of God."

Dallas Center Dunkard Brethren Church | Leadership | Nate Meyers
Nate Meyers


Nate was born and raised on a farm in the Dallas Center, Iowa area. He grew up attending the Dallas Center Dunkard Brethren Church where he was also baptized in 1992 after accepting Jesus Christ as his Lord at a young age. From 2005 to 2008, he served as a school teacher at the Torreon Navajo Mission in New Mexico. After returning to Iowa, he married his wife, Shannon, in 2011. Their home has been blessed with 6 children. Nate was ordained into the Dallas Center Dunkard Brethren Church ministry in 2016.

"My desire for the church is that we remember and live out the message of Romans 11:36 'For of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things: to Whom be glory for ever. Amen.'"